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Sweet Potato Tzimmis

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Posted on 2007-10-19

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Sweet Potato Tzimmis 10163 views
0.78 avg rating
18 votes

Servings: Yields at least 8 servings


5 lg. sweet potatoes, peeled, cut in chunks, and cooked
4 lg. carrots, peeled, cut in chunks, and cooked
1 c. pitted prunes, chopped
1/2 tsp. ground cinnamon
1/3 c. honey
2 tbsp. melted margarine
1/8 tsp. ground pepper
Salt, to taste
Orange juice, optional
2 or 3 apples, peeled and sliced


Mash sweet potatoes and carrots.

Mix in the prunes.

Add cinnamon, salt, and pepper.

Combine honey and margarine.

Grease a 2-quart casserole dish.

Alternate layers of mashed seasoned vegetables and apples, dribbling honey (and juice) mixture over each layer. End with vegetable layer. Bake at 350 degrees for about 45 minutes.

Author Comments

This tzimmes freezes well.

Source: The Red Hot Chili Paper The Red Hot Chili Paper



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