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Butter Bean Stew

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Posted on 2007-10-19

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Butter Bean Stew 49702 views
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Butter Bean Stew


2 cups dried lima/butter beans (you can use tinned but they don't taste the same)
1 lg. red onion
2 cloves garlic
1/2 bunch celery, with as many leaves on as possible
2 carrots, finely diced (optional)
2 cans tomatoes, chopped
1 tbsp. tomato paste/puree
Olive oil for frying


Put the dried beans in a pot and pour in water until it is over the beans by at least an inch. Soak overnight; approximately 8 hours. Next day pour off the water that the beans have soaked in - they will look horrible, don't panic. Pour on fresh water to cover and then bring to the boil. DO NOT ADD SALT! The beans will never soften if you do this. Boil the beans rapidly for 10 minutes then discard the water. Add more water and bring back to a simmer. Simmer for roughly 40 minutes. Some brands of beans may take longer but don't worry. They can stand it. When they are more or less soft drain and set aside.

Chop the onion and the celery into fairly large pieces.

Chop up some of the celery leaves and save the rest for later. At this stage you only need about 2 tsp.

Crush the 2 cloves garlic.

Heat about 4 tbs olive oil in a large pan and fry off the onion, celery, leaves and carrot if using it. Then add the garlic. Fry them until translucent but not too soft. Add in the tinned tomatoes and the tomato puree. Stir and then add the beans in. Mix well and then cover and simmer for about ? an hour. This will allow the beans to absorb all the flavour of the tomatoes. Stir occasionally to make sure it's not sticking. You can add in some par-boiled potatoes about now if you wish - that will definitely make it a very filling dish.

Add in the rest of the celery leaves, finely chopped.

Stir well. Check the potatoes and carrots are cooked and then serve with lots of bread to mop up the juices.

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