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Video Recipe: Halloween Pumpkin Soup / Spicy Roasted Pumpkin Seeds

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Posted on 2007-10-22

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Video Recipe: Halloween Pumpkin Soup / Spicy Roasted Pumpkin Seeds 6322 views
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9 votes


How to make Halloween pumpkin soup and spicy pumpkin seeds!


Garlic cloves
Olive oil
Cayenne Pepper
Chicken Stock
Creme Fresh (or sour cream - optional)
chives (optional)
cookie sheet


Pumpkin Soup
Preheat over to 400 degrees

Cut pumpkin in half and scoop out seeds (saving for toasted pumpkin recipe - see below)

Cut off stems

Place pumpkin halves on a cookie sheet.

Place garlic on cookie sheet and drizzle with olive oil

Rub halves of pumpkin with Olive Oil. Sprinkle with salt and pepper and thyme.

Place cookie sheet in oven

Remove after 1 hour

Scoop pumpkin flesh into food processor

Add garlic and puree

Add chicken stock and liquefy

Pour pumpkin puree into pot and add 3-4 cups chicken stock

Simmer until hot

Serve with creme fresh and chopped chives

Spicy Toasted Pumpkin seeds

Pumpkin seeds (left over from from Jack O'lantern and Pumpkin used for Pumpkin soup)

Separate seeds and wash and dry on a paper towel

Put pumpkin seeds on a cookie sheet and drizzle Olive oil. Sprinkle with Salt and Cayenne pepper.

Place in oven 15-20 minutes
Remove seeds every 5 minutes and add more salt and toss.

Remove from oven and cool



No specific measurement amounts are given...
Abalone on 2009-10-29
I like this recipe, looks easy enough yet would be nice to make for the family and company for the season.
Jason on 2008-10-28

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