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Guinness Cake

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Posted on 2008-02-14

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Guinness Cake 4376 views
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Servings: 8


1 cup butter or margarine
1 cup brown sugar
1-1/4 cups Guinness
1-1/2 cups raisins
1-1/2 cups currants
1-1/2 cups golden raisins
3/4 cup mixed candied citrus peel
5 cups flour
1/2 tsp. baking soda
1 tsp. mixed spice
1 tsp. nutmeg
3 eggs


Butter and line a 9 inch cake pan with wax paper.

Place the butter sugar and the Guinness in a pan and bring slowly to the boil stirring all the time until the sugar and butter have melted. Mix in the dried fruit and peel and bring mixture back to the boil. Simmer for 5 minutes. Remove from heat and leave until cold.

Sift flour spices and baking soda into a large mixing bowl, stir in cooled fruit mixture and beaten eggs turn into cake pan and bake in center of preheated 325°F oven for 2 hours. Test with a skewer.

When done cool in pan before turning out.

Lightly dust with confectioner's sugar.




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