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Grilled Tuna with Ligurian Olives and Green Olive Vinaigrette

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Posted on 2008-05-12

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Grilled Tuna with Ligurian Olives and Green Olive Vinaigrette 3076 views
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Servings: 4


4 oz. olive oil, divided
2 lg. red bell peppers
1 cup Ligurian olives
1/2 cup Green Olive Pesto
1/4 cup sherry vinegar
1/2 cup virgin olive oil
4 tuna steaks (1-inch thick, 6 oz. each)
Salt, to taste
Freshly ground black pepper, to taste


Light barbecue or preheat broiler.

In a mixing bowl, toss bell pepper in 2 oz. olive oil to coat. Place on barbecue or under broiler and char skin of peppers, turning often until nicely blackened all around. The quicker this is done, the meatier the final product will be. When cool enough to handle, rub skin off and remove seeds, leaving flesh as whole as possible. Cut peppers into diamonds or strips and mix with olives. Set aside.

In a blender or food processor, blend Green Olive Pesto, sherry vinegar and virgin olive oil until smooth and silky.

Add two tbsp. of this vinaigrette to olive and roasted pepper mixture and set the rest aside.

Grill or broil tuna to medium-rare, 3 to 4 minutes a side over high heat.

Divide pepper and olive mixture in center of four plates.

Place hot tuna over mixture and drizzle each steak with several tsp. of sauce. Serve.




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