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Best Damn Peach Cobbler

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Posted on 2008-05-12

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Best Damn Peach Cobbler 4503 views
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3 votes

Servings: 18


2 qt. canned peach slices
3/4 cup sugar
1/4 cup water
3 tsp. corn starch

2 cups flour
3 tbsp. sugar
4 tsp. baking powder
6 tbsp. lard or butter
3/4 cup canned milk cut half-strength with water (just enough to moisten dough)


Dissolve corn starch in water

add mixture to peaches and juice in a large, warm Dutch oven; stir well

sprinkle sugar on top

cover and allow to simmer lightly while topping is prepared.


On a floured board, turn out a soft dough; pat down to 1/2"-thick

cut into strips 1/2" wide and place criss-cross atop peach mixture

cover and cook approximately 20 minutes at 350°F, until golden brown.




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