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Turkey Hash

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Posted on 2007-09-17

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Turkey Hash 6978 views
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5 votes

Servings: 4
Time to prepare: 40

Easy turkey hash using your leftover Thanksgiving turkey


3 russet potatoes, washed and diced 1/4"
4 slices bacon
8 ounces cooked turkey
3 tablespoons red onions, diced 1/4"
2 tablespoons red pepper, diced 1/8"
Salt, to taste
Peppercorns, freshly cracked


Cook the bacon in a large skillet until very crispy. Remove the bacon and drain it on a paper towel. Once cool, chop the bacon into small pieces. Reserve.
Add the potatoes to the pan and cook for 10-15 minutes until they begin to brown and get crispy. Push the potatoes to one side of the pan and add your onions and peppers. Cook for 3-4 minutes and add the turkey. Cook for one to two more minutes and stir all together. Season the hash with salt and cracked pepper. Color with the paprika. Add the chopped bacon pieces. Stir again.

Place a generous pile of the hash in the center of four warm plates and top each pile with 2 eggs over-easy.

Preparation :15 Cook :25 Stand :00 Total :40



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