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Black Cat Cupcakes

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Posted on 2007-09-25

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Black Cat Cupcakes 20401 views
3.18 avg rating
17 votes

Servings: 24
Time to prepare: 10 min.

Black Cat Cupcakes


1 ¼ c Reduced Fat Oreo® cookie crumbs
18 ¼ ozs reduced fat chocolate cake mix
24 pcs Halloween Oreo® cookies
16 ozs reduced fat milk chocolate frosting
black string licorice
jelly beans
semisweet chocolate chips


Preheat oven to 350.

Prepare 24 - 2½" muffin cups with cooking spray and flour; set aside.

Prepare cake mix according to package directions; stir in cookie crumbs.

Spoon batter into prepared muffin cups. Bake for 25 minutes.

Remove from pans; cool on wire rack.

Make cat faces on each of the remaining 24 cookies: using some frosting, attach 4 - 1½" licorice strings for whiskers, 2 jelly bean halves for eyes and 2 chocolate chips for ears.

Let set at least 30 minutes.

Frost cupcakes with remaining frosting.

Stand cat faces on edge on each cupcake.

Place 3" piece licorice string on back half of each cupcake for tail.

Author Comments

Source: Nabisco's Kitchen


ohh... they where okay i didnt really liked the they where not good !!! ..... but i try them again!!
and i think they get better( i also hope )
leonie on 2007-10-27
Chas on 2007-10-28

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