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Carrots Au Gratin

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Posted on 2008-08-25

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Carrots Au Gratin 5348 views
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Servings: 9


2/3 cup Kellogs Corn Flake Crumbs
3 Tablespoons margarine, melted
1/3 cup chopped onion
3 tablespoons flour
1/4 teaspoon salt
1/8 teaspoon pepper
1 1/2 cups low-fat milk
2/3 cup reduced fat shredded American Cheese
4 1/2 cups cooked, sliced carrots, drained (about 1 1/2 pounds)
1 tablespoon parsely flakes


In small bowl or shallow pan, combine Kelloggs Corn Flake Crumbs and 1 tablesppon of the margarine. Set aside.

Add onion to remaining margarine. Saute' over low heat.

Add flour, salt and pepper.

Stir in milk.

Increase heat to medium; cook until bubbly and thickened, stirring constantly.

Add cheese. Stir until smooth.

Stir in carrots and parsley flakes.

Spread in shallow 1 1/2 quart baking dish.

Sprinkle with corn flake crumbs mixture.

Bake in 350 F about 20 minutes or until bubbly and crumbs are goldn brown. Serve warm.

Author Comments

I use a corning dish to make this. I also usually just take regular american cheese slices and shred them by tearing them into strips and crumbling them further (not particularly high tech).

Source: Sharon Matten (kipah@tezcat.com)
Courtesy of the Corn Flake crumbs box



We made this tonight and enjoyed it, but I think it would be greatly helped by a touch more salt and some additional seasonings. We'll try some garlic and/or summer savory and/or oregano next time. I'd also think that some Stove Top dressing or even just seasoned bread crumbs would work well as a topping.
Kari Richmond on 2008-10-01

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