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Worms in Dirt

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Posted on 2008-10-08

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Worms in Dirt 22529 views
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Worms in Dirt


Orange or green Jell-o
Gummy worms
Crumbled Oreo cookies
Clear plastic cups


Place a gummy worm at the bottom of the cup and pour jell-O into the cup as a mold. Refrigerate until the Jell-o has set. Sprinkle a layer of crumbled cookies on top and strategically place a few gummy worms 'crawling' out of the dirt.



Sounds great... for esthetic appeal (or unappeal), if not for flavor. I will try this tomorrow for my Home Ec Club meeting.

I love how your site is set up. Printable recipes and all. Easy to use.

Thank you SO much
j on 2009-10-14
Kristy Green on 2009-10-24
this was really good i loved it
michelle on 2010-10-07
i had this at piper elementary school in berwyn il but it waz with choclate puddin
priscilla on 2010-10-19
kool resipce i made it wit muy freinds an muy famulliy n we ate it on hamliooween
jimmeyy on 2010-10-22
hey wht upp dis orviell redienbacher eyee made teh recsipe and i maid it nw im sellen em in da stoars n st00f... thts grate... it was a a grAT recipee. :D
0veille reidenbakker on 2010-10-22
its better with pudding instead of jell-o
katie on 2008-10-13

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