Home » Diwali » Diwali Sweet Desserts

Badam (Almond) Barfi

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Posted on 2009-10-09

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Badam (Almond) Barfi 5777 views
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4 votes

Servings: approx.35 barfis

A must in every home, Badam Barfi is "the" sweet for Diwali


Almonds (soaked overnight): 250 gm*
Powdered sugar: 200gm**
Milk: a few tablespoons
Silver Foil: optional


Drain the almonds, wash them in fresh water and then peel them. Keep aside.

Rinse the almonds once more to remove any traces of the "brownish" color.

With the help of a few tablespoons of milk, grind the almonds to a fine paste. Try using as little milk as possible.

Take a large, heavy skillet and cook the paste and sugar in it over medium heat. Use a large handled spatula or spoon to stir the mixture. Take care to keep stirring constantly as otherwise the mixture may stick to the bottom and get burnt. This will impart a bitter taste to the almond paste. There may be some spattering in the initial stages.

When a soft lump starts forming and starts leaving the sides of the skillet easily, take it off the fire.

Grease both the rolling pin and a clean work surface with ghee (clarified butter).

Place the lump on the greased surface and quickly start rolling it while it is still warm to 1/5”thickness.

If using silver foil, press it lightly on the rolled dough.

Mark out diamond shapes with a sharp knife.

When almost cool, prise out the diamond wedges with the help of a sharp wide spatula.

Cool it completely. Then store the barfis in between sheets of butter paper.

Author Comments

* 250 grams / 85 grams/cup = 2.94 cups
** 1 cup


Nice dish
sheila on 2010-03-08

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