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Hand-burger Dripping in Blood

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Posted on 2010-06-23

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Hand-burger Dripping in Blood 6672 views
1.36 avg rating
11 votes

Difficulty: easy
Course: entree or appetizer
Servings: 6
Time to prepare: 20-30 minutes

Hand shaped hamburgers served with blood red ketchup.


1 slice white bread, crust removed
1 1/2 tablespoons milk
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/8 teaspoon ground black pepper
1 small clove garlic, minced
1 tablespoon ketchup
1 pound ground sirloin
Non-stick cooking spray
6 small dinner rolls, sliced in half

Special Equipment Needed:
Hand shaped cookie cutter
Indoor grill pan or skillet


Preheat oven to 275 degrees. Set a wire cooling rack on a baking sheet and spray with cooking spray.

Break bread into small pieces. Place in a mixing bowl. Pour milk over bread and mash with a fork until it forms a paste. Stir in salt, pepper, garlic, and ketchup. Add ground sirloin and stir, just to combine.

Spray a hand shaped cookie cutter with non-stick cooking spray. Press 1/6th of the mixture into the cookie cutter, being careful to press the meat into the finger area. Remove the cutter and use a spatula to transfer the Hand-Burger to the prepared rack. Repeat for remaining burgers. Bake for 12 minutes.

Spray an indoor grill pan (or skillet) with non-stick cooking spray. Heat over high heat. Remove Hand-Burgers from oven and place them onto grill pan. Sear on both sides. Cook to medium (140-145 degrees) or medium well (150-155 degrees). Serve on dinner rolls with ketchup.

Cook's Notes: Using ground sirloin will ensure that your Hand-Burgers remain in the shape of a hand when cooked. Fattier meats will lose their shape.

Baking the burgers before grilling them allows for even cooking of the fingers. You can cook the burgers to order at your party, or cook them ahead of time and keep them in a chafing dish. They will stay moist and delicious for hours in a covered chafing dish. Fill your chafing dish with a small amount of liquid (water or beef broth) before adding the Hand-Burgers. The steam will keep them from sticking and will help keep them moist.

Author Comments



This hand-burger recipe is just one the many clever recipes featured at www.HungryHalloween.com
Beth on 2010-09-27

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