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Griddle Potatoes

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Posted on 2008-04-21

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Griddle Potatoes 6582 views
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Servings: 4

It wouldn't be brunch without the morning spuds. Here's a classic and delicious take on griddle potatoes.


4 c diced potatoes
1 c chopped onions
1 c chopped green pepper
4 T butter
paprika to taste
salt and freshly ground pepper to taste


Place potatoes in large pot of cool water and bring to a boil. Cook for 4 minutes past boiling until potatoes are just tender. Drain potatoes.

Heat butter to medium heat in a heavy skillet.

Add onions and saute for 2-3 minutes until they begin to turn translucent.

Add peppers and potatoes and cook for 15 minutes or until golden brown. Stir occasionally to prevent sticking.

Turn off heat and season with paprika, salt and pepper.




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