Home » St Patricks Day » St Patricks Day Side Dishes


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Posted on 2009-03-07

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Truly the ultimate Irish recipe. Served anytime of day, with any kind of meal


1/2 lb potatoes, peeled
1/2 lb mashed potato
1/2 lb flour
1 egg
salt and pepper to taste


Finely grate the raw potatoes. Mix together with the cooked mashed potatoes. Add salt, pepper and flour and beaten egg. Mix with just

Drop by tablespoonful onto a hot griddle or frying pan (fry in butter rather than oil for a more authentic flavor). Cook each side until golden brown, approximately 3-4 minutes per side.

Author Comments

This is truly the ultimate Irish recipe. Served anytime of day, with any kind of meal. Add sautéed pepper and zucchini for a vegetarian delight or stick to the purist version below.



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