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Grandpa's Geshmirte Matzo

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Posted on 2008-04-07

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Grandpa's Geshmirte Matzo 7468 views
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16 ozs. large curd cream cottage cheese
3 heaping Tbsp. sour cream
3 heaping tsp. sugar
3 shakes of cinnamon
Matzoh Meal


In large bowl place add
16 ozs. large curd cream cottage cheese
3 heaping Tbsp. sour cream
3 heaping tsp. sugar
3 shakes of cinnamon
and mix well

Beat one egg with fork and stir in 1 Tbsp. matzo meal.
Mix until all is smooth

Spread mixture on top of 5 matzos that have milk patted on top.
Line pan with kitchen parchment.

Bake 400 degrees for about 30 to 35 minutes.
As soon as removed from oven, sprinkle with sugar and cinnamon mixture.

Eat warm.




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